Tzfat is made up of residents from all over the world. It has majestic landscape, diverse culture and a general "live and let live" attitude.It's easy to feel at home quickly in Tzfat.
With the right information regarding moving, you can make Tzfat your home town. A few things to remember:
With the right information regarding moving, you can make Tzfat your home town. A few things to remember:
Where to Live
It's a good idea to come on a pilot trip before you make your final commitment. Tzfat is a small town and while it appeals to many, it's not always the right fit for all.
Once you're here you can start to explore the different neighborhoods to find what works for you. There are multiple real estate agents who specialize in helping English-speakers -- speak to them, as they may be able to find a better living situation than you could find on your own,
It's suggested that you rent before you buy to make sure that the area that you choose is suitable -- the neighborhoods are all safe in Tzfat but they have very different populations (older vs. families, secular vs. religious, large English-speaking populations vs. no English speakers, etc. )
A summary of real estate in Tzfat, with links to local trustworthy agents, can be found here.
Once you're here you can start to explore the different neighborhoods to find what works for you. There are multiple real estate agents who specialize in helping English-speakers -- speak to them, as they may be able to find a better living situation than you could find on your own,
It's suggested that you rent before you buy to make sure that the area that you choose is suitable -- the neighborhoods are all safe in Tzfat but they have very different populations (older vs. families, secular vs. religious, large English-speaking populations vs. no English speakers, etc. )
A summary of real estate in Tzfat, with links to local trustworthy agents, can be found here.
Resources are plentiful for new olim. Some of the most helpful first contacts include:
- Yisrael Sofer -- English speaking olim coordinator for the municipality 050-680-8559
- Nefesh B'Nefesh Northern Office [email protected]
There are three banks in Tzfat
If you're planning to live closer to the center of town or in one of the southern neighboods ("Darom"), Bank Discount is easily accessible and, according to reviews of many Tzfat residents, pleasant and responsive. Bank Discount is located in the Tzlil Mall, at the corner of Jerusalem Street and Aliyah Bet Street.
- Bank Leumi
- Bank HaPoalim
- Bank Discount
If you're planning to live closer to the center of town or in one of the southern neighboods ("Darom"), Bank Discount is easily accessible and, according to reviews of many Tzfat residents, pleasant and responsive. Bank Discount is located in the Tzlil Mall, at the corner of Jerusalem Street and Aliyah Bet Street.
It's convenient to have a car in Tzfat but not necessary. Public transportation is good and frequent so you can get around easily by bus or taxi.
Health Fund
There are 4 health funds in Tzfat
- Clalit
- Meuhedet
- Maccabi
- Leumi
Finding a job is a concern when moving anywhere and as anywhere, your success in finding a job will depend on your background and skill set. Your knowledge of Hebrew is also going to be important if you're planning to work with the Israeli community.
If you're a teacher, or willing to be retrained as a teacher, the Ministry of Education runs year-long courses to retrain people with a B.A. as English teachers. There is a big demand for people to teach English in the school system in Israel.
There are many jobs today online. Some groups that post jobs , both for online work and otherwise, include:
If you're a teacher, or willing to be retrained as a teacher, the Ministry of Education runs year-long courses to retrain people with a B.A. as English teachers. There is a big demand for people to teach English in the school system in Israel.
There are many jobs today online. Some groups that post jobs , both for online work and otherwise, include:
Tzfat Chevre
Tzfat Chevre is a facebook group where english-speaking residents trade information about living in Tzfat. It's open to everyone and joining it is a good way to start to make contacts. If you're a parent you can ask other parents for their advice about schools, if you're over "a certain age" you can find out what's happening for people your age.
The group is comprised of people from every sector of the Tzfat english-speaking community from secular to ultra-orthodox and everything in-between.
The group is comprised of people from every sector of the Tzfat english-speaking community from secular to ultra-orthodox and everything in-between.