Shavouth in Safed 2024
Learning and other activities for 2024 will be announced throughout this coming week and the information will be posted here as the information becomes available.
Shavouth/Shavous is one of Judaism's most important holidays. It is one of the three pilgrimage holidays (the others are Succot and Passover) for which Jews once traveled to Jerusalem, to the Temple, to bring offerings. Historically Shavouth commemorates day when God gave the Torah to the Children of Israel at Mt. Sinai and religiously it marks the end of the Counting of the Omer.
One of the most widely-observed customs of Shavouth involves staying up throughout the night to study Torah. This tradition was instituted by the ARI, Rabbi Isaac Luria, when he lived in Tzfat in the 16th century.
In neighborhoods throughout Tzfat there are a wide range of English classes on Shavouth night.
Local accommodations are available throughout the city, including the Old Jewish Quarter, the Artist Quarter and the newer Tzfat neighborhoods.
One of the most widely-observed customs of Shavouth involves staying up throughout the night to study Torah. This tradition was instituted by the ARI, Rabbi Isaac Luria, when he lived in Tzfat in the 16th century.
In neighborhoods throughout Tzfat there are a wide range of English classes on Shavouth night.
Local accommodations are available throughout the city, including the Old Jewish Quarter, the Artist Quarter and the newer Tzfat neighborhoods.
Shavouth in Tzfat 2024
Updates will be added here as are they are announced. Many learning programs don't finalize their schedules until a few days before Shavouth