How to Organize a Bar Mitzva in Tzfat / Bat Mitzva in Tzfat
If you're looking for ideas of how to organize a Bar Mitzva in Tzfat or how to organize a Bat Mitzva in Tzfat, check out the local Tzfat organizers.
Each of these options allows you to create the Tzfat Bar Mitzva / Tzfat Bat Mitzva that you envision with options for art activities, music, storytelling, touring and a festive meal along with the traditional Bar/Bat Mitzva events surrounding the day on which the Bar/Bat Mitzva celebrant becomes part of the commandments of the Jewish nation.
Each of these options allows you to create the Tzfat Bar Mitzva / Tzfat Bat Mitzva that you envision with options for art activities, music, storytelling, touring and a festive meal along with the traditional Bar/Bat Mitzva events surrounding the day on which the Bar/Bat Mitzva celebrant becomes part of the commandments of the Jewish nation.
Bayit B'Tet Vav Events Hall
Bayit B'Tet Vav Events Hall in the Old City of Tzfat.
Noam Jewish EventsNoam Jewish Events -- fun and lively tour with a traditional Bar/Bat Mitzva atmosphere.
Shvil HaLev Path of the HeartB'Shvil HaLev -- Tours, music, storytelling and different experiential activities in the traditions of Tzfat and of R' Shlomo Carlebach [email protected]
International Center of Tzfat KabbalahInternational Center of Tzfat Kabbalah -- Kabbalistic Bar / Bat Mitzva interactive experience for the whole family with a focus on the kabbalistic aspects of the celebration.

The Way Inn hosts and coordinates Bar/Bat Mitzvas in Tzfat with workshops and other spiritual activities. Meals by Chef Roni Bar El.
Israel Extreme -- Combines a Tzfat Bar or Bat Mitzva celebration with fun sports and outdoor activities along with a Safed experience.