Safed Books
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Tzfat residents share spiritual journeys, thoughts about kabbalah and mysticism, personal experiences and even basic information about Judaism and Jewish practice. Check out the Tzfat books!
Tzfat Reflections
Chaya's Angels: A Spiritual Journey with Downs Syndrome by Chaya Ben Baruch |
Read the amazing spiritual journey of Chaya, Yisrael and their family as they became advocates for their 4 children with Downs Syndrome
You Don't Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way by Leah Saul |
Tzfat resident Lana Taylor -- known locally as "Avigail" relates her journey from the "Little Africa" neighborhood where she grew up in America's south to spiritual exploration through various streams of Christianity ...... to religious Judaism.
Topics to discuss with your teen -- pain hard times, sexual abuse, peer pressure, sex and drugs. Tools to meet life's trials head on! Thoughts on how to meet these issues head-on. For readers of any age.
Safed Spirituality: Rules of Mystical Piety, the Beginning of Wisdom (Classics of Western Spirituality) |
A compilation of sixteenth-century writings about ethics, mysticism, and Jewish spirituality by some of the many 16th century Safed kabbalists.
A Tapestry for the SoulThe Path of the LadderIn the Shadow of the LadderThe Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism |
Introductions to Kabbalah by Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag, translated from the Hebrew with additional explanatory chapters. Focus on questions of
A translation of the Kabbalah for the layperson includes a compact presentation of each primary text and features a practical analysis and vital historical information that offer insight into the various aspects of Jewish mysticism.
Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah |
Kabbalah refers not only to the mystical maps of reality handed down by tradition, but to the awareness each person “receives” along their own journey.Kabbalah has always aimed at healing, repairing and rebalancing the individual, the community and the cosmos as a whole, recognizing the unity in all creation.
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The Kabbalistic Tradition: An Anthology of Jewish Mysticism |
Writings from the earliest biblical sources through twentieth-century studies about Jewish mysticism. Focus is on the literature of Zohar, the Lurianic corpus, and the Chasidic mystical tradition.
Kids Books from Tzfat
How it's Made: Chanukah Menorah |
How is a menorah made?. What are the different elements that make a menorah? When do we light it? What blessings do we say, and how does it all fit in with the miracle of Hanukkah? All this and much more for a fascinating introduction to Chanukah!
How it's Made: Matza |
Meet the people who make matzah! Find out how making matzah is more than just mixing flour and water and then learn how to bake your own matzah, decorate an Elijah s cup and grow your own greens to get ready for the Seder. More than 100 stunning photos that reveal a fascinating world behind the scenes.
How it's Made: Torah Scroll |
Visit the people who make Torah scrolls. See how parchment is scraped and stretched, how tree sap becomes ink, how the scribe writes and how a computer program checks for mistakes.
More than 100 full-color photographs give a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at scribes, artists, and craftsmen. Plus a Do It Yourself feature helps kids write with a feather quill pen just like a scribe, make ink from berries, make a clay yad (a pointer), and design a Torah scroll cover. |
The Patchwork Torah |
What does the Torah mean to the Jewish people? Explore that and more while you read the story of a
"sofer" -- a ritual scribe -- as he creates a new Torah scroll with the help of his family and friends. |
Cheesecake for Shavouth |
Children prepare for Shavouth celebration by making cheesecake using flour they have ground from wheat they have grown in their school garden, fresh goat cheese from the friendly petting zoo goats, and fresh strawberries from the garden.
How it's Made: Torah Scroll |
More than 100 full-color photographs and interviews give a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at how parchment is scraped and stretched, how tree sap becomes ink, how a computer program checks for mistakes to make a Torah Scroll.
The Do It Yourself feature helps kids write with a feather quill pen just like a scribe, make ink from berries, make a clay yad (a pointer), and design a Torah scroll cover. |
Harvest of Life: Chanukah |
Olive harvest in israel -- Watch the olives as they’re gathered, sorted, and pressed into oil. Then celebrate Hanukkah with an Israeli family, as they use the oil to light their Hanukkah menorah. Come and enjoy the harvest of light.