How Can I Take a Self-Guided Tour of Tzfat?
Tzfat is the site of one of Israel's oldest Jewish communities. You can see how to take a self-guided tour of Tzfat with these self-guided video tours of Tzfat.
Click on the Tour |
- Self-Guided Tour Ari Sepharadi Synagogue
- Self-Guided Tour Yosef Caro Synagogue
- Self-Guided Tour Alsheich Synagogue
- Self-Guided Tour Abuhav Synagogue
- Self-Guided Tour Yossi Banai/HaTzaddik HaLavan Synagogue
- Self-guided tour Ari Mikve of Safed
- Self-Guided Tour Cave of Shem and Ever
- Self-Guided Tour Tzfat Cemetery
- Self-guided tour Stories of Tzfat
Additional Resources for Touring Tzfat
If you're doing your own self-guided tour of Tzfat, here are some additional written resources:
* History of Tzfat
* Historical sites of Tzfat
* Walking Tour of Tzfat -- Scroll Down
* History of Tzfat
* Historical sites of Tzfat
* Walking Tour of Tzfat -- Scroll Down
Excavations of 16th century Safed
- If you're looking for a guide to take you around, check out Tzfat's Guides.
- You can get more information at the Tourist Information Center Hours: 8:30 - 16:00. Expanded hours during holidays and during summer holidays. Walk through an excavated underground building which dates to the 13th /14th century, destroyed by earthquakes and now rebuilt, renovated by Livnot U'Lehibanot. " Maps, guidebooks and information about the city's history. Information about attractions and events in the area " Contact 972-4-6924427 or email.
A Self-Guided Walk Through Tzfat
International Center for Tzfat Kabbalah learn, research and explore the mysteries of the Kabbalah of Tzfat, in a pluralistic way that is accessible all, regardless of religion. Located across from the Tourist Information Center of Livnot U'Lehibanot. 10-minute audio-visual presentation to explain Kabbalah to beginners. Hours: 9:00 - 16:00. 04-6821771
HaAri Ashkanazi Synagogue
HaAri Synagogue synagogue where The Ari, R' Isaac Luria, prayed. Next to the Apple Orchard where the Ari initiated the Kabbalat Shabbat service and celebrated it with his students. Hours: open throughout the day
Safed Candles
Safed Candles for Shabbat and havdallah, sculptures, woven candles. Hours: 9:00 - 19:00. NOT open on holidays (includes Chol HaMoed). Located next to the HaAri Ashkanazi synagogue. Phone: (04) 6822068
Abuhav Synagogue
Abuhav Synagogue Old Sepharadi synagogue, holds 3 Torah scrolls, several hundred years old, still in use today, are several hundred years old - one is believed to have been written by R' Abuhav. Hours: Throughout the day. Entrance from the first floor entrance, on Abuhav St.
Kadosh Dairy
Kadosh Dairy generations of the Kadosh family producing salty white Tzfat cheese from sheep's milk. Explanations and guided tour available throughout the day. Hours: 9:00 - evening Phone: (04) 692-0326
Canaan Weaver's Workshop
Canaan Weaver's Workshop opportunity to see the process of hand weaving, an industry, which was a basis of the Tzfat economy of the middle Ages. Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (coffee shop is open later) Located on Alkabetz Street. Phone: (04) 697-4449
Yosef Caro Synagogue
Yosef Caro Synagogue synagogue built over the cave where R' Yosef Caro wrote the Shulhan Aruch, Code of Jewish Law. Hours: Open intermittently throughout the day. To request that it be opened, guests are asked to Contact Mr. Ben Shimon at (04) 692-3284 or (050) 560-8931 Ma'ariv nightly at 21:00 (in the summer)
Ronen's Yemenite Lachuch
Ronen's Lachuch Amazing Yemenite food, either to go, or to enjoy in the Azamra complex. Books, music and conversations about everything Jewish. Across the street from the Livnot Tourist Information Center on Alkabetz Street. Open all day.
Cave of Yosef Caro
Cave of Rabbi Yosef Caro The cave in which Rabbi Yosef Caro sat with the "Maggid" (angel) and wrote Shulhan Aruch. Entrance is to the left of the synagogue (walk past a few shops to the stairs) down the stairs. The larger room is the Beit Din -- Rabbinnical Court -- where R' Caro presided in the 16th century. Small donation requested. Hours: 10:00 - 13:00 and 16:00 to 19:00
Tzfat Winery
Tsfat Winery Winery in the style of wine-making of Safed. Near the Estam building at the beginning of Yosef Caro Street Hours: mornings. Advised to confirm visit beforehand. Moshe (050) 448-0884
HaMeiri Dairy
HaMeiri Dairy generations of the HaMeiri family producing salty white Tzfat cheese from sheep's milk. Hours: 8:00 - 15:00; guided tours on Fridays at 12:00 and otherwise through coordination with Yaniv Phone: (052) 372-1609
Safed Cemetery
Old Cemetery Cemetery where the great rabbis of Tzfat are buried, alongside Jews who resided in Tzfat over the past several hundred years. Gravesites of rabbis from Talmudic times.
Ari Mikve
Ari Mikve Mikve in which the Ari HaKadosh immersed. Hours: throughout the day and night, only for men. Next to the Old Cemetery. Always accessible.
HaMeiri Museum
HaMeiri Museum Museum of the history of the Jewish settlement in Tzfat throughout the past 200 years. Hours: Daily from 9:00 - 14:30. Fridays from 9:00 - 12:00. Entrance Fee: 14 shekels for adults; 9 shekels for students, soldiers, and children; 7 shekels for senior citizens (with id) Phone: (04) 692-1939; (04) 697-1307
Ari Sepharadi
Ari Sepharadi Synagogue original synagogue of the Ari's time, where the Ari prayed and is said to have studied Kabbalah in a small cave inside the synagogue with Elijah the prophet. Open 10:00a.m. to 19:00 daily
Livnot U'Lehibanot Tunnels
Visit excavations of 16th century Tzfat including a neighborhood that has been buried underground for hundreds of years. Alkabetz 37 04-6970311. Free tours on Shabbat -- all to confirm times for English tour.
Ascent Institute
Ascent Institute classes in Kabbalah and Jewish studies, library, computer center, hostel. Ascent also provides Tourism information, Workshops and seminars on a variety of topics (in Hebrew and in English), as well as weekly Shabbat meals and meal placements with local families. Lending library, screening room, an exhibit on Kabbala, kabbalistic art, free internet, a tea garden and gift shop, and free coffee and tea for visitors. Hours: 9:00 throughout the day and evening Phone: (04) 697-1407
Cave of Shem and Ever
Cave of Shem and Ever Legend says that this is the site where Noah's son and grandson established a yeshiva after the Flood. On Palmach Street. Shacharit: 6:00, Mincha: 14:00. Shabbat Netz Shaharit, after which the kiddush is held in the cave itself.
Museum of Hungarian Speaking Jewry
Museum of Hungarian Speaking Jewry museum highlighting the traditions and culture of Hungarian-speaking Jews. Located in the Saraya building. Hours: 9:00 - 13:00 Phone: (04) 692-3880
Sheva Chaya Glassblowing
Sheva Chaya Glassblowing Demonstrations Across from the General Exhibition. Judaica including individual glass-blown items as well as Hassidic paintings and other Jewish-themed watercolors and artwork.
Mercaz HaStam
Stam Center -- Learn about the Jewish tradition and art of Sofer Stam, writing ritual parchments. Learn about Hebrew letters, their origins and mystical meanings. Interactive activities designed to immerse visitors in the actual writings of parchments. In the northern suburb of Tzfat, Kiryat Sarah. Phone for appointment (04) 691-2000
Metzuda/Citadel of Safed
Metzuda/Citadal highest point in Tzfat's Old City. According to the Talmud, Tzfat was one of the locations in the Land of Israel that would light a fire to alert surrounding communities about the beginning of a new month. Archaeologists believe that this occured on this mountaintop. Remains of a Crusader-era fortress can still be seen. Always accessible.
Artists Quarter
Artists Quarter -- galleries of artists of Tzfat. General Exhibition exhibits works of Tzfat artists. Next to the tourist bus parking lot, between the Artists Quarter and the Old Jewish Quarter.
Mashiach lane
Mashiach Lane -- Safta (Grandma) Yocheved used to sit at the top of the stairs of this narrow lane with two cups of tea and two biscuits. She sat there daily for years, explaining that since the Messiah was supposed to come through Tzfat on his way from Meron to Jerusalem, he would be hungry, and would need nourishment. She was there to provide him with what he needed for his journey. The lane is located off of Bar Yochai St