Tu B'shevat in Safed Evening of Wed, Feb 12, 2025 – Thu, Feb 13, 2025
More information about upcoming Tu B'shevat activities in Tzfat will appear as they become available. Check back on the Tzfat Calendar as well and click here to find information about Tzfat workshops and activities
Tu B'shevat is celebrated on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. Talmudic rabbis declared that Tu B'shevat was the "birthday of the trees" -- that's the day, they determined, that a tree's sap starts to run.....produce harvested before Tu B'shevat is subject to the tithing of the previous year while produce harvested after Tu B'shevat goes on the account of the following year's tithe.
In the 1500s the kabbalists of Tzfat recognized the spiritual significance of Tu B'shevat, as a day when Jews discuss the deeper meanings of G-D's blessings through the imager of trees, fruit and the earth's bounty. The kabbalists. created a ritual meal, the Tu B'shevat Seder. In recent years the celebration of Tu B'Shevat has become a time for people to contemplate on the environment via the festive Tu B'shevat celebration. Tu B'Shevat's kabbalistic rituals originated in Safed and it's in Safed that some of the most magical and meaningful Seders take place -- 500 years after the rabbis initiated the commemoration. |
Free Tu B'Shevat Guide from TzfatHow to Tu B'Shevat